How to Work with Engineers and Designers

No technical or design background? Tired of surprises, delays, bad quality? Want to maximize outcomes of your engineers and designers, product teams and improve revenues?

Learn from the international product leadership and management consultant, who learned from the best in the world and own failures, who in the past was writing code himself for over 10 years, as well as selling, running own startup, and started first business in arts as a kid.

I've seen founders, executives, product managers doing the same mistakes again and again. As a result there is a lack of clarity, alignment, motivation, many surprises, often conflicts, misunderstanding, which brings to a lot of operational and financial waste, and even failed projects.

"We so lucky to have you on this project" - external design agency and internal dev team told me that because they couldn't work with CEO well.

In this one hour talk and workshop you will learn the basics:
* How to get to know your engineers and designers and what they want, and what they hate
* How to speak their language
* Integrate them into autonomous cross-functional teams
* What actually to assign to them, what to do and what to avoid
* What else to consider when hiring engineers, designers and product managers
* What systems and documents you must have and how can you create basic product requirements documents, design briefs, hypothesis trees yourself to align entire organization
* How to be a servant leader and communicate clearly

I sucked at many things myself in the past, but I was willing to change, and I want to be honest with you upfront. If you just want to treat your product teams as a resource and tell them what to do, be their boss, and instead don't want to let your ego and control go; be a good servant leader, listen, learn, improve and let them be your boss, then you won't succeed, and I don't want you invest your time and attend this talk in that case.

I would rather work one-on-one with someone who has the right mindset and is willing to improve as a person, because I provide a lot of value for this small price which is nothing comparing to even one month of an engineer's salary, finding a replacement or dealing with delays and bugs all the time.

After the workshop I can share with you some templates and a small guidebook later if you will hit me up on LinkedIn.

Difficulty Level: Beginner
Jam Date: Apr 20, 2021
Jam Length (in hours) : 1.0
Learners Per Class : 10